Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Test-First Teaching

At GoGaRuco (Golden Gate RubyConf) in San Francisco, CA today… Why should you want to do this? By teaching you learn. Test-First Teaching: by Sarah Allen and Alex Chaffee Ruby Koans by Jim Weirich and Joe O’Brien Metakoans by ara.t.howard Ruby-Warrior by Ryan Bates

Old Scaffold Problem on Lynda Ruby on Rails Essential Training

There are a number of people following’s Ruby on Rails Essential Training tutorial and running into issues since some of the information in the tutorial is outdated. The method scaffold was removed from Rails 2.0. You can still create scaffolds but must do so by generating the scaffold files explicitly. If you see NoMethodError […]

Flash[:notice] VS[:notice]

Flash[:notice]’s message will persist to the next action and should be used when redirecting to another action via the ‘redirect_to’ method.[:notice]’s message will be displayed in the view your are rendering via the ‘render’ method.

BlueHost login to your ssh account without typing in a password

The following will hold true for being able to avoid typing in your password to get into any ssh account, assuming there is no firewall blockage. First make sure your public key exists. Look in your ~/.ssh/ If you see, it exists. If your public key doesn’t exist, you have to create it. You […]

Set up a Rails project on BlueHost

Here are advantages to using BlueHost, in my opinion, for your RoR (Ruby on Rails) projects. However, you may have to do some of your own research sometimes, but I’ve been posting BlueHost related BlueHost How-Tos. Keep in mind that BlueHost support is not just focused on hosting Rails projects. Even still, I highly recommend […]

Rails Partial Templates

What is a Partial Template? A partial template is really just like any other template but can take parameters. These can also be called ‘partials’. If you pass in an instance of one model, it will be rendered once; If you pass into it a collection of records of model instances, it will be rendered […]