Tag Archives: rvm

What to set passenger_root and passenger_ruby paths when using RVM or rbenv

If you’re using Rails, Nginx, Passenger and RVM or rbenv and wondering what to set the passenger_root and passenger_ruby paths to in nginx.conf, here’s how to get them. Keep in mind, you’ll have to do this by reconfiguring Nginx if you switch from RVM to rbenv or vice-versa. First you must install the passenger gem […]

Setting up Cron jobs that call Ruby (RVM) or Shell Scripts via Bash

If you are on a unix system and want to set up a crontab (cron job) and you are using RVM, you must make sure to make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell by using the bash -l option. So if you were going to have a script run […]

Bash Terminal Customizations for RVM and Git with git-completion.sh

In process of customizing my bash terminal prompt in my ~/.bash_profile, I thought it would be great to show which RVM and Git branch I was on. You can make yours look similar to this: Screenshot of what Navid’s Bash Terminal Looks Like The solution is to use git-completion.sh. You can get it via git: […]

RVM and Frozen Rails Conflict

I have an existing rails application and want to switch to using RVM in order to tie particular versions of Ruby, Rails and RubyGems to this application. My existing Rails application has a frozen Rails version 2.2.2 tied into it and so exists in my vendor/rails directory. Before I installed RVM, the following question came […]