Tag Archives: gogaruco

Lightning Talks at GoGaRuco

At GoGaRuco (Golden Gate RubyConf) today in San Francisco, CA The following is just some brief notes and may or may not make any sense. Talks went pretty quickly. Concurrency with Rubinius Ron Evans – TicketMaster (universal api) – allows migration of one system to another. (supports JIRA amongst other things) —– Fixture Builder by […]

Real World Ruby Testing

At GoGaRuco (Golden Gate RubyConf) today in San Francisco, CA… Rein Henrichs’ talk: Testing Frameworks: Test::Unit RSpec Shoulda Mintest Micronaut Bacon … RSPec (BDD Framework) Shoulda (BDD Framework for Test::Unit) Minitest (Replaces Test::Unit in 1.9, BDD syntax, it’s very fast) Micronaut (Light-weight BDD framework, API compatible with RSpec) Bacon (very lightweight RSpec clone, around 350 […]

Succeeding at Open Source Development

At GoGaRuco (Golden Gate RubyConf) today… Here’s what I got out of the Open Source Development talk: If you want to build up your open source project and manage it properly, you have to be open to newer contributors who are enthusiastic, even if they build a feature you think is useless. Communication is important. […]