Tag Archives: testing

Free Image Placeholder Service

Once you know the dimensions of the images (photos or graphics) you’re waiting your graphic designer or other developers to produce for you, instead of waiting for them to hand the final revisions of those images to you, you can use this free service Placehold.it Just put something like this in your HTML.

Real World Ruby Testing

At GoGaRuco (Golden Gate RubyConf) today in San Francisco, CA… Rein Henrichs’ talk: Testing Frameworks: Test::Unit RSpec Shoulda Mintest Micronaut Bacon … RSPec (BDD Framework) Shoulda (BDD Framework for Test::Unit) Minitest (Replaces Test::Unit in 1.9, BDD syntax, it’s very fast) Micronaut (Light-weight BDD framework, API compatible with RSpec) Bacon (very lightweight RSpec clone, around 350 […]