Tag Archives: mysql

Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for 5.6.21 but the client library is 10.0.14-MariaDB

If you get the following error, you probably have to reinstall your mysql2 gem by specifying the location of your MariaDB or MySQL installation. The Error: Uninstall existing mysql2 gem: Install mysql2 gem again: If you still see issues: Here is the error you might see: Uninstall existing mysql2 gem: Install mysql2 gem again: The […]

JDBC River Plugin for ElasticSearch

You can easily load and index data from your MySQL database straight into Elasticsearch. First install Elasticsearch and make sure it’s running. Then open up a new terminal window and install the elasticsearch-river-jdbc plugin. You then need to use the curl command to tell the plugin your river name (in the URI), the database host […]

Bundle Install – missing mysql.h

If you’re seeing the following error: The way I was able to resolve it was to follow Boonedocks.net, since I’m also using MAMP for its MySQL Database instance. The only difference is that I already had MAMP 1.9.4 installed and so I had to download the MAMP_components_1.9.dmg which contains the mysql-5.1.44 source code. MAMP 1.9.4 […]

SET data type in MySQL and ActiveRecord

I figured out something cool which solves a common database design problem. However, I’m not sure if this is supported in ActiveRecord since the SET data type does not exist in all databases. Let’s say each record in a table has zero or more properties and your set of properties is pre-defined. How would you […]

Creating a MySQL Database from Terminal or Command Line

The following assumes you have a successful installation of MySQL on OS X or Linux: Create MySQL Database To Test the Connection