Tag Archives: ssl

How to Create Self-Signed Client and Web Server Certificates using openssl

Use CSRs and Keys you got developers for each client, if there are more than one. Get it from them if you don’t have them or create the client key(s). They should do something like this and send you the csr and key: openssl genrsa -out client1.key 1024 # /C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/O=Your_Company_Name/OU=IT/CN=client1 Create the Certificate Signing […]

Sending mail via GMail with Rails ActionMailer

If you are wondering how to get your Rails app to send email through your GMail account, read on… However, you need at least Ruby 1.8.7 according to the Agile Web Development with Rails book. I use BlueHost and they are on 1.8.6, as of July 27, 2009. So, these instructions won’t work on BlueHost […]