Installing specific version of chef-client in case you want to downgrade

In case you want to downgrade the version of chef-client on your machine using the omnibus installer, read below. I found that version 11.4.0 had a memory leak. We had 8 GB ram and it was taking 18% of the total available memory! That’s almost 1.5 GB ram wasted!

Before deciding to set up a cronjob that would restart the chef-client service periodically or to stop the chef-client service altogether and instead set up a cronjob that would run chef-client, I decided to revert the chef-client version.

I’m running Ubuntu 12.04. In order to figure out what versions of chef-client are available for your OS, go to Chef Install. In my case, I chose: Ubuntu, 12.04 and x86_64.
The the downloads drop-down will open. I chose the highest 10.x version I could find which was 10.24.0-1.

On the hosts that had chef-client 11.4 installed, I executed the following as root user:

sudo true && curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 10.24.0-1

service chef-client restart
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