Tag Archives: gems

Authlogic vs Devise for Authentication in Rails

The following post has been written by Brian Morearty. Here he compares Authlogic to Devise. I’m posting the following with his permission. "Here’s my comparison. Please keep in mind this is after only having used Authlogic for a few months (I used it on another project) and Devise for a few hours: Authlogic and Devise […]

RVM and Frozen Rails Conflict

I have an existing rails application and want to switch to using RVM in order to tie particular versions of Ruby, Rails and RubyGems to this application. My existing Rails application has a frozen Rails version 2.2.2 tied into it and so exists in my vendor/rails directory. Before I installed RVM, the following question came […]

Adding or Installing Gems

See what gems you have installed on your machine To see a list of gem commands To install a gem To Search your Local Gems by providing a search term that’s part of the Gem name To Search Remote Repositories for Gems by providing a search term that’s part of the Gem name To list […]