Archive for 'Installing'

Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for 5.6.21 but the client library is 10.0.14-MariaDB

If you get the following error, you probably have to reinstall your mysql2 gem by specifying the location of your MariaDB or MySQL installation. The Error: Uninstall existing mysql2 gem: Install mysql2 gem again: If you still see issues: Here is the error you might see: Uninstall existing mysql2 gem: Install mysql2 gem again: The […]

.rvm/scripts/functions/support: line 490: 10144 Trace/BPT trap: 5 issue

When I was trying to install ruby-2.1.3 via RVM (rvm install 2.1.3), I got the following error: I resolved this issue by reinstalling ruby 2.1.3 with –disable-binary option:

Bundle Install – missing mysql.h

If you’re seeing the following error: The way I was able to resolve it was to follow, since I’m also using MAMP for its MySQL Database instance. The only difference is that I already had MAMP 1.9.4 installed and so I had to download the MAMP_components_1.9.dmg which contains the mysql-5.1.44 source code. MAMP 1.9.4 […]

Deploy to EC2 with Rubber on Rails 3

Rubber is a gem which makes it easy to make multi-instance deployments of your rails app to EC2. It uses capistrano to do this. Before proceeding, make sure you have your EC2 account created and have a keypair set up with Amazon. Here is recipe of what I’ve done so far. I’m running into issues […]

Building a Simple Addressbook with Authentication using Devise

Assumptions: You are using Rails 3, even though I tried to accomodate Rails 2 as well. In this Tutorial / Recipe, l go through creating a very simple “Addressbook” with Devise as its Authentication system. This Addressbook only contains two fields name and phone. A User model is generated with authentication using the Devise gem. […]

RVM and Frozen Rails Conflict

I have an existing rails application and want to switch to using RVM in order to tie particular versions of Ruby, Rails and RubyGems to this application. My existing Rails application has a frozen Rails version 2.2.2 tied into it and so exists in my vendor/rails directory. Before I installed RVM, the following question came […]

How to upgrade/update the sqlite3 version on your Mac

First check to see which version of sqlite3 you want to upgrade to and figure out what the URL for the tar ball is. In this example, I want to upgrade to version 3.6.18 Visit SQLite3 Download Page Here is one way to do it:

Installing Ruby 1.9.1 on Linux by Source Code

How to Install Ruby 1.9.1 on Linux by Source Code Actually, the following steps will work with any recent version of Ruby, probably. The following instructions assume you’ll be install Ruby under /opt/local/ruby/. If you’d like it installed elsewhere, replace ‘/opt/local/ruby/’ below with your path. login as root user mkdir -p /opt/local/ruby mkdir -p /opt/local/ruby/src […]

nokogiri – Ruby XML Parser Installation Headaches

Installation sudo gem install nokogiri Do you have an old version of libxml2? create a file called test.rb with the following contents: require ‘rubygems’ require ‘nokogiri’ Execute it: ruby test.rb If you see the following: “HI. You’re using libxml2 version 2.6.16 which is over 4 years old and has plenty of bugs. We suggest that […]

Adding or Installing Gems

See what gems you have installed on your machine To see a list of gem commands To install a gem To Search your Local Gems by providing a search term that’s part of the Gem name To Search Remote Repositories for Gems by providing a search term that’s part of the Gem name To list […]