Archive by Author

Setting up Cron jobs that call Ruby (RVM) or Shell Scripts via Bash

If you are on a unix system and want to set up a crontab (cron job) and you are using RVM, you must make sure to make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell by using the bash -l option. So if you were going to have a script run […]

How to modify the maximum Java Heap Size in TorqueBox gem

In order to modify the maximum Java Heap Size (or any other JAVA_OPTS) when using the TorqueBox gem, start torquebox by doing a: Look for the default JAVA_OPTS settings and set your JAVA_OPTS path. Be sure you aren’t overriding your current settings first. In my case, for TorqueBox 2.3.0, I wanted to modify the maximum […]

How to tell which ruby version your Heroku app is using

Type the following:

`gem install activerecord-postgresql-adapter` (pg is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.) (LoadError)

If you see this error in your heroku logs “`gem install activerecord-postgresql-adapter` (pg is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.” Then you must add this to your production section of your Gemfile or create it if you don’t have one:

Error installing heroku gem

My goal is to push my rails app to Heroku. However, I wasn’t able to install the heroku gem. If you get the following error when trying to do a gem install heroku –no-rdoc –no-ri After researching online there were two things that could potentially be the problem. The first is that there is that my […]

`git rev-parse feature/2.0.0 error when installing RefineryCMS engine for Mailchimp

If you’ve followed instructions on, especially the part on adding this to your Gemfile: You’ll probably run into this issue: * The issue is that branch “feature” version “2.0.0” no longer exists. In order to figure out which branches are available, in github, you can click on the branch drop-down on I ended up […]

How to Remove Title from a Particular Refinery CMS page

In addition to configuring my Refinery CMS site’s homepage to show the contents of my blog posts instead, using the technique I describe at Rendering Blog Posts on Homepage in Refinery CMS, I also didn’t want to display the “Blog” page title in the Homepage body mainly  because I wanted my homepage to show content without […]

How to render your blog posts on your homepage in Refinery CMS

Add this line in your routes.rb, just above the line where you see: mount Refinery::Core::Engine, :at => ‘/’

couchbase-cli command not found?

If you see the following when trying to execute couchbase-cli: You must add the couchbase-core bin /Applications/Couchbase\ directory to your PATH.  

Unable to Open Couchbase Admin Console (could not connect to

I downloaded and installed the 64-bit Mac OS X version of Couchbase 2.0.0 Release but I got a “could not connect to” in the browser when I tried to open the Couchbase Admin Console to open up the installer/configurator. The problem is that the first time I tried to fire up Couchbase was when the […]