Unable to Open Couchbase Admin Console (could not connect to

I downloaded and installed the 64-bit Mac OS X version of Couchbase 2.0.0 Release but I got a “could not connect to” in the browser when I tried to open the Couchbase Admin Console to open up the installer/configurator.

The problem is that the first time I tried to fire up Couchbase was when the extracted downloaded Couchbase zip file was still in my ~/Downloads directory.

Then when I moved the application file to my ~/Applications directory, this prevented the Couchbase Admin Console from working properly.

What I had to do it to Quit Couchbase Server. (So you shouldn’t see the couch icon at the top)

Then delete the ~/Library/Application Support/Couchbase directory. (Delete the Couchbase directory and its contents only!)

Then fire up Couchbase again from your ~/Applications directory.

Can someone confirm this worked for you?

I’ve filed a bug for this so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

See Unable to Open Couchbase Admin Console (could not connect to

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